Room Rates Section of the Amount Tab

Use the Room Rates section of the Amount tab to enter specific room rate and tax rate for each night of a lodging expense, and to enter the any personal or unallowable amounts associated with the expense.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Copy to Next Night

Click Copy to Next Night to copy the room rate, tax rate, and personal information from a selected row to the next row of the table.

The button is not available in the following circumstances:

  • All the rows in the table are blank.
  • More than one row is selected.
  • The last row of the table is selected.
Copy to Remaining Nights

To copy the data from the Room Rate, Tax Rate, and Personal fields from a selected row to all other rows in the table, select the row you want to copy and click Copy to Remaining Nights.

This button shall be disabled if:

  • No rows have data entered
  • More than one row is selected
  • The last row in the table is selected

The dates are listed in order based on the Start Date and End date provided on the Details tab of the Expense Report.

Room Rate

Enter the amount spent per day for the room amount of this lodging expense.

It may or may not be the amount that is reimbursed. Depending on the value in the Over-Ceiling Rule drop-down box in the Expense Types screen, you may not be reimbursed for amounts that are over the ceiling amount.

This field is non-editable if the expense report is read-only, or if modify rights have not been assigned to your functional role.

Tax Rate

Enter the amount spent per day on taxes for this lodging expense.

This field is used only for per diem lodging expenses. This field is not editable if the expense report is read-only, or if modify rights have not been assigned to your functional role.

Tax amounts entered here must match the tax amounts on the Taxes tab. If Deltek Expense is not already configured to allow employees to edit tax amounts on the Taxes tab, you may need to update the Modify Tax Rate setting in the Expense Report Types > Expenses screen.


Select the Personal check box if the amount is a personal expense and should not be reimbursed.

When Personal is checked, Deltek Expense copies the Total Room/Tax amount to the Total Personal field, which Displays on the Amounts tab.

This field is non-editable if the expense report is read-only, or if modify rights have not been assigned to your functional role.

Total Room/ Tax

Deltek Expense sums the Room Rate amount and Tax Rate amount and displays the total in this field

Total Personal

For lodging expenses which are not configured to allow other lodging expenses, Total Personal is an editable field, where you can enter any personal amounts associated with this expense.

Additionally, Deltek Expense adds to that any rows where the room rate and tax rate amounts were selected as Personal.

If expense type is configured to allow other lodging expenses, Total Personal is a non-editable field, which displays the sum of the room rate and tax rate for all fields where the Personal box is selected.  

Total Unallowable

Use this field to enter any unallowable amounts associated with this expense.

Total Other

Total Other is a non-editable field that displays the amount remaining after the total Room Rate and total Tax Rate amounts are subtracted from the Expense Incurred amount.

This field does not display unless the expense type is configured to allow Other Expenses.


After you click OK, a series of validations occur, which may generate warning messages and require corrections.

If the amounts entered pass the validations, Deltek Expense updates the Amounts tab.